
AU$2,635 raisedAU$100,000 goal

Why I'm Doing It:

To make a global change on our home planet. IMPACTors will make an impact one step at a time. Our trees are vital to our planet, it is shelter and food for our animals, trees provide us oxygen and shade. We must make a change

Who I'm Doing It With

Link to ImpactXP Team

ImpactXP Team


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*Please note, in order to avoid fraudulent charges this fundraiser requires a minimum $2 donation.

Latest Donations


David Wolnek donated to ImpactXP



Anonymous donated to ImpactXP


Cryptos NoConspiracy donated to ImpactXP

"To Help Support World Environment Day 2022, I am giving $10 towards a positive impact that will physically last for generations. "


NFT Bits and Bytes donated to ImpactXP

"Stop using the word community and do nothing for it, donate at least a small amount."

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